

class kaolin.io.dataset.Cache(func, cache_dir, cache_key)

Bases: object

Caches the results of a function to disk. If already cached, data is returned from disk. Otherwise, the function is executed. Output tensors are always on CPU device.

Deprecated since version 0.13.0: Cache is deprecated.

  • func (Callable) – The function to cache.

  • cache_dir (str or Path) – Directory where objects will be cached.

  • cache_key (str) – The corresponding cache key for this function.


Read cache from disk. If not found, raise error.


unique_id (str) – The unique id with which to name the cached file.


Results from self.func if exists on disk.

class kaolin.io.dataset.CachedDataset(dataset, cache_dir=None, save_on_disk=False, num_workers=0, force_overwrite=False, cache_at_runtime=False, progress_message=None, ignore_diff_error=False, transform=None)

Bases: Dataset

A wrapper dataset that caches the data to disk or RAM depending on save_on_disk.

For all dataset[i] with i from 0 to len(dataset) the output is store on RAM or disk depending on save_on_disk.

The base dataset or the preprocessing_transform if defined, should have a __getitem__(idx) method that returns a dictionary.


if CUDA is used in preprocessing, num_workers must be set to 0.

  • dataset (torch.utils.data.Dataset or Sequence) – The base dataset to use.

  • cache_dir (optional, str) – Path where the data must be saved. Must be given if save_on_disk is not False.

  • save_on_disk (optional, bool or Sequence[str]) – If True all the preprocessed outputs are stored on disk, if False all the preprocessed outputs are stored on RAM, if it’s a sequence of strings then all the corresponding fields are stored on disk.

  • num_workers (optional, int) – Number of process used in parallel for preprocessing. Default: 0 (run in main process).

  • force_overwrite (optional, bool) – If True, force overwriting on disk even if files already exist. Default: False.

  • cache_at_runtime (optional, bool) – If True, instead of preprocessing everything at construction of the dataset, each new __getitem__ will cache if necessary. Default: False.

  • progress_message (optional, str) – Message to be displayed during preprocessing. This is unuse with cache_at_runtime=True. Default: don’t show any message.

  • transform (optional, Callable) – If defined, called on the data at __getitem__. The result of this function is not cached. Default: don’t apply any transform.

class kaolin.io.dataset.CombinationDataset(datasets)

Bases: KaolinDataset

Dataset combining a list of datasets into a unified dataset object.

Deprecated since version 0.13.0: CombinationDataset is deprecated. See ProcessedDatasetV2.

Useful when multiple output representations are needed from a common base representation (Eg. when a mesh is to be served as both a pointcloud and a voxelgrid, etc.)

The output of get_attributes will be a tuple of all the get_attributes of the dataset list.

The output of get_data will be a tuple of all the get_data of the dataset list.

If a dataset does not have get_data, __getitem__ will be used instead.

The output of get_cache_key will be the cache key of the first dataset. If that dataset does not provide get_cache_key, the index will be used instead.


datasets – list or tuple of datasets


Returns the attributes at the given index. Attributes are usually not transformed by wrappers such as ProcessedDataset.


Returns the data at the given index.

class kaolin.io.dataset.KaolinDataset

Bases: Dataset

A dataset supporting the separation of data and attributes, and combines them in its __getitem__. The return value of __getitem__ will be a named tuple containing the return value of both get_data and get_attributes. The difference between get_data and get_attributes is that data are able to be transformed or preprocessed (such as using ProcessedDataset), while attributes are generally not.

Deprecated since version 0.13.0: KaolinDataset is deprecated. Datasets should always output a dictionary to be compatible with ProcessedDataset.

abstract get_attributes(index)

Returns the attributes at the given index. Attributes are usually not transformed by wrappers such as ProcessedDataset.

abstract get_data(index)

Returns the data at the given index.

class kaolin.io.dataset.KaolinDatasetItem(data, attributes)

Bases: tuple


Alias for field number 1


Alias for field number 0

class kaolin.io.dataset.ProcessedDataset(dataset, preprocessing_transform=None, cache_dir=None, num_workers=None, transform=None, no_progress=False)

Bases: KaolinDataset


no_progress (bool) –


Returns the attributes at the given index. Attributes are usually not transformed by wrappers such as ProcessedDataset.


Returns the data at the given index.