Kaolin provides extensive camera API. For an overview, see the Camera class docs.
- class kaolin.render.camera.CameraFOV(value, names=<not given>, *values, module=None, qualname=None, type=None, start=1, boundary=None)¶
Camera’s field-of-view can be defined by either of the directions
- kaolin.render.camera.allclose(input, other, rtol=1e-05, atol=1e-08, equal_nan=False)¶
This function checks if the camera extrinsics and intrinsics, are close using
.- Parameters
- Returns
Result of the comparison
- Return type
- kaolin.render.camera.blender_coords()¶
Blender world coordinates are right handed, with the z axis pointing upwards
Z Y ^ / | / |---------> X
- kaolin.render.camera.down_from_homogeneous(homogeneous_vectors)¶
Performs perspective division by dividing each vector by its w coordinate.
Down-projects vectors from 4D homogeneous space to 3D space.
- Parameters
homogenenous_vectors – the inputs vectors, of shape \((..., 4)\)
homogeneous_vectors (Tensor) –
- Returns
the 3D vectors, of same shape than inputs but last dim to be 3
- Return type
- kaolin.render.camera.generate_centered_custom_resolution_pixel_coords(img_width, img_height, res_x=None, res_y=None, device=None)¶
Creates a pixel grid with a custom resolution, with the rays spaced out according to the scale. The scale is determined by the ratio of \(\text{img_width / res_x, img_height / res_y}\). The ray grid is of resolution \(\text{res_x} \times \text{res_y}\).
- Parameters
img_width (int) – width of camera image plane.
img_height (int) – height of camera image plane.
res_x (int) – x resolution of pixel grid to be created
res_y (int) – y resolution of pixel grid to be created
device (torch.device, optional) – Device on which the grid tensors will be created.
- Returns
A tuple of two tensors of shapes \((\text{height, width})\).
Tensor 0 contains rows of running indices: \((\text{s, s, ..., s})\) up to \((\text{height-s, height-s... height-s})\).
Tensor 1 contains repeated rows of indices: \((\text{s, s+1, ..., width-s})\).
\(\text{s}\) is \(\text{scale/2}\) where \(\text{scale}\) is \((\text{img_width / res_x, img_height, res_y})\).
- Return type
meshgrid (torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor)
- kaolin.render.camera.generate_centered_pixel_coords(img_width, img_height, device=None)¶
Creates a pixel grid with rays intersecting the center of each pixel. The ray grid is of resolution img_width x img_height.
- Parameters
img_width (int) – width of image.
img_height (int) – height of image.
device (torch.device, optional) – Device on which the grid tensors will be created.
- Returns
A tuple of two tensors of shapes \((\text{height, width})\).
Tensor 0 contains rows of running indices: \((\text{0.5, 0.5, ..., 0.5})\) up to \((\text{height-0.5, height-0.5... height-0.5})\).
Tensor 1 contains repeated rows of indices: \((\text{0.5, 1.5, ..., width-0.5})\).
- Return type
meshgrid (torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor)
- kaolin.render.camera.generate_default_grid(width, height, device=None)¶
Creates a pixel grid of integer coordinates with resolution width x height.
- Parameters
width (int) – width of image.
height (int) – height of image.
device (torch.device, optional) – Device on which the meshgrid tensors will be created.
- Returns
A tuple of two tensors of shapes \((\text{height, width})\).
Tensor 0 contains rows of running indices: \((\text{0, 0, ..., 0})\) up to \((\text{height-1, height-1... height-1})\).
Tensor 1 contains repeated rows of indices: \((\text{0, 1, ..., width-1})\).
- Return type
meshgrid (torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor)
- kaolin.render.camera.generate_ortho_rays(camera, coords_grid=None)¶
Default ray generation function for ortho cameras.
- Parameters
camera (kaolin.render.camera.Camera) – A single camera object (batch size 1).
coords_grid (torch.FloatTensor, optional) – Pixel grid of ray-intersecting coordinates of shape \((\text{H, W, 2})\). Coordinates integer parts represent the pixel \((\text{i, j})\) coords, and the fraction part of \([\text{0,1}]\) represents the location within the pixel itself. For example, a coordinate of \((\text{0.5, 0.5})\) represents the center of the top-left pixel.
- Returns
The generated ortho rays for the camera, as ray origins and ray direction tensors of \((\text{HxW, 3})\) .
- Return type
(torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor)
- kaolin.render.camera.generate_perspective_projection(fovyangle, ratio=1.0, dtype=torch.float32)¶
Generate perspective projection matrix for a given camera fovy angle.
- kaolin.render.camera.generate_pinhole_rays(camera, coords_grid=None)¶
Default ray generation function for pinhole cameras.
This function assumes that the principal point (the pinhole location) is specified by a displacement (camera.x0, camera.y0) in pixel coordinates from the center of the image.
The Kaolin camera class does not enforce a coordinate space for how the principal point is specified, so users will need to make sure that the correct principal point conventions are followed for the cameras passed into this function.
- Parameters
camera (kaolin.render.camera.Camera) – A single camera object (batch size 1).
coords_grid (torch.FloatTensor, optional) – Pixel grid of ray-intersecting coordinates of shape \((\text{H, W, 2})\). Coordinates integer parts represent the pixel \((\text{i, j})\) coords, and the fraction part of \([\text{0,1}]\) represents the location within the pixel itself. For example, a coordinate of \((\text{0.5, 0.5})\) represents the center of the top-left pixel.
- Returns
The generated pinhole rays for the camera, as ray origins and ray direction tensors of \((\text{HxW, 3})\).
- Return type
(torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor)
- kaolin.render.camera.generate_rays(camera, coords_grid=None)¶
Default ray generation function for unbatched kaolin cameras. The camera lens type will determine the exact raygen logic that runs (i.e. pinhole, ortho..)
- Parameters
camera (kaolin.render.camera.Camera) – A single camera object (batch size 1).
coords_grid (torch.FloatTensor, optional) – Pixel grid of ray-intersecting coordinates of shape \((\text{H, W, 2})\). Coordinates integer parts represent the pixel \((\text{i, j})\) coords, and the fraction part of \([\text{0,1}]\) represents the location within the pixel itself. For example, a coordinate of \((\text{0.5, 0.5})\) represents the center of the top-left pixel.
- Returns
The generated camera rays according to the camera lens type, as ray origins and ray direction tensors of \((\text{HxW, 3})\).
- Return type
(torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor)
- kaolin.render.camera.generate_rotate_translate_matrices(camera_position, look_at, camera_up_direction)¶
Generate rotation and translation matrix for given camera parameters.
Formula is \(\text{P_cam} = \text{rot_mtx} * (\text{P_world} - \text{trans_mtx})\)
- Parameters
camera_position (torch.FloatTensor) – camera positions of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 3)\), it means where your cameras are
look_at (torch.FloatTensor) – where the camera is watching, of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 3)\),
camera_up_direction (torch.FloatTensor) – camera up directions of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 3)\), it means what are your camera up directions, generally [0, 1, 0]
- Returns
the camera rotation matrix of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 3, 3)\) and the camera transformation matrix of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 3)\)
- Return type
(torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor)
- kaolin.render.camera.generate_transformation_matrix(camera_position, look_at, camera_up_direction)¶
Generate transformation matrix for given camera parameters.
Formula is \(\text{P_cam} = \text{P_world} * \text{transformation_mtx}\), with \(\text{P_world}\) being the points coordinates padded with 1.
- Parameters
camera_position (torch.FloatTensor) – camera positions of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 3)\), it means where your cameras are
look_at (torch.FloatTensor) – where the camera is watching, of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 3)\),
camera_up_direction (torch.FloatTensor) – camera up directions of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 3)\), it means what are your camera up directions, generally [0, 1, 0]
- Returns
The camera transformation matrix of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 4, 3)\).
- Return type
- kaolin.render.camera.gsplats_camera_to_kaolin(gs_camera)¶
Convert INRIA gaussian splats camera to Kaolin camera.
This has been tested with the version commit 472689c
- Parameters
gs_camera (gsplats.scene.cameras.Camera) – camera to convert.
- Returns
converted Kaolin camera.
- Return type
- kaolin.render.camera.kaolin_camera_to_gsplats(kal_camera, gs_cam_cls)¶
Convert Kaolin Camera to INRIA gaussian splats camera.
This has been tested with the version commit 472689c
- Parameters
kal_camera (Camera) – camera to convert.
gs_cam_cls (class) – This is the gsplats
class, usually located in gsplats/scene/cameras.py.
- Returns
converted INRIA gsplats camera.
- Return type
- kaolin.render.camera.opengl_coords()¶
Contemporary OpenGL doesn’t enforce specific handedness on world coordinates. However it is common standard to define OpenGL world coordinates as right handed, with the y axis pointing upwards (cartesian):
Y ^ | |---------> X / Z
- kaolin.render.camera.perspective_camera(points, camera_proj)¶
Projects 3D points on 2D images in perspective projection mode.
- Parameters
points (torch.FloatTensor) – 3D points in camera coordinate, of shape \((\text{batch_size}, \text{num_points}, 3)\).
camera_proj (torch.FloatTensor) – projection matrix of shape \((3, 1)\).
- Returns
2D points on image plane of shape \((\text{batch_size}, \text{num_points}, 2)\).
- Return type
- kaolin.render.camera.register_backend(name)¶
Registers a representation backend class with a unique name.
CameraExtrinsics can switch between registered representations dynamically (see
).- Parameters
name (str) –
- kaolin.render.camera.rotate_translate_points(points, camera_rot, camera_trans)¶
Rotate and translate 3D points on based on rotation matrix and transformation matrix.
Formula is \(\text{P_new} = R * (\text{P_old} - T)\)
- Parameters
points (torch.FloatTensor) – 3D points, of shape \((\text{batch_size}, \text{num_points}, 3)\).
camera_rot (torch.FloatTensor) – rotation matrix, of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 3, 3)\).
camera_trans (torch.FloatTensor) – translation matrix, of shape \((\text{batch_size}, 3, 1)\).
- Returns
3D points in new rotation, of same shape than points.
- Return type
- kaolin.render.camera.up_to_homogeneous(vectors)¶
Up-projects vectors to homogeneous coordinates of four dimensions. If the vectors are already in homogeneous coordinates, this function return the inputs.
- Parameters
vectors (torch.Tensor) – the inputs vectors to project, of shape \((..., 3)\)
- Returns
The projected vectors, of same shape than inputs but last dim to be 4
- Return type