

kaolin.render.spc.cumprod(feats, boundaries, exclusive=False, reverse=False)

Cumulative product across packs of features.

This function is similar to tf.math.cumprod() with the same options, but for packed tensors. Refer to the TensorFlow docs for numerical examples of the options.

Note that the backward gradient follows the same behaviour in TensorFlow, which is to replace NaNs by zeros, which is different from the behaviour in PyTorch. To be safe, add an epsilon to feats which will make the behaviour consistent.

  • feats (torch.FloatTensor) – features of shape \((\text{num_rays}, \text{num_feats})\).

  • boundaries (torch.BoolTensor) – bools of shape \((\text{num_rays})\). Given some index array marking the pack IDs, the boundaries can be calculated with mark_pack_boundaries().

  • exclusive (bool) – Compute exclusive cumprod if true. Exclusive means the current index won’t be used for the calculation of the cumulative product. (Default: False)

  • reverse (bool) – Compute reverse cumprod if true, i.e. the cumulative product will start from the end of each pack, not from the beginning. (Default: False)


features of shape \((\text{num_rays}, \text{num_feats})\).

Return type


kaolin.render.spc.cumsum(feats, boundaries, exclusive=False, reverse=False)

Cumulative sum across packs of features.

This function is similar to tf.math.cumsum() with the same options, but for packed tensors. Refer to the TensorFlow docs for numerical examples of the options.

  • feats (torch.FloatTensor) – features of shape \((\text{num_rays}, \text{num_feats})\).

  • boundaries (torch.BoolTensor) – bools of shape \((\text{num_rays})\). Given some index array marking the pack IDs, the boundaries can be calculated with mark_pack_boundaries().

  • exclusive (bool) – Compute exclusive cumsum if true. Exclusive means the current index won’t be used for the calculation of the cumulative sum. (Default: False)

  • reverse (bool) – Compute reverse cumsum if true, i.e. the cumulative sum will start from the end of each pack, not from the beginning. (Default: False)


features of shape \((\text{num_rays}\, \text{num_feats})\).

Return type


kaolin.render.spc.diff(feats, boundaries)

Find the delta between each of the features in a pack.

The deltas are given by out[i] = feats[i+1] - feats[i]

The behavior is similar to torch.diff() for non-packed tensors, but torch.diff() will reduce the number of features by 1. This function will instead populate the last diff with 0.

  • feats (torch.FloatTensor) – features of shape \((\text{num_rays}, \text{num_feats})\)

  • boundaries (torch.BoolTensor) – bools of shape \((\text{num_rays})\) Given some index array marking the pack IDs, the boundaries can be calculated with mark_pack_boundaries()


diffed features of shape \((\text{num_rays}, \text{num_feats})\)

Return type


kaolin.render.spc.exponential_integration(feats, tau, boundaries, exclusive=True)

Exponential transmittance integration across packs using the optical thickness (tau).

Exponential transmittance is derived from the Beer-Lambert law. Typical implementations of exponential transmittance is calculated with cumprod(), but the exponential allows a reformulation as a cumsum() which its gradient is more stable and faster to compute. We opt to use the cumsum() formulation.

For more details, we recommend “Monte Carlo Methods for Volumetric Light Transport” by Novak et al.

  • feats (torch.FloatTensor) – features of shape \((\text{num_rays}, \text{num_feats})\).

  • tau (torch.FloatTensor) – optical thickness of shape \((\text{num_rays}, 1)\).

  • boundaries (torch.BoolTensor) – bools of shape \((\text{num_rays})\). Given some index array marking the pack IDs, the boundaries can be calculated with mark_pack_boundaries().

  • exclusive (bool) – Compute exclusive exponential integration if true. (default: True)


(torch.FloatTensor, torch.FloatTensor) - Integrated features of shape \((\text{num_packs}, \text{num_feats})\). - Transmittance of shape \((\text{num_rays}, 1)\).


Mark the first hit in the nuggets.

Deprecated since version 0.10.0: This function is deprecated. Use mark_pack_boundaries().

The nuggets are a packed tensor containing correspondences from ray index to point index, sorted within each ray pack by depth. This will mark true for each first hit (by depth) for a pack of nuggets.


the boolean mask marking the first hit by depth.

Return type

first_hits (torch.BoolTensor)


Mark the boundaries of pack IDs.

Pack IDs are sorted tensors which mark the ID of the pack each element belongs in.

For example, the SPC ray trace kernel will return the ray index tensor which marks the ID of the ray that each intersection belongs in. This kernel will mark the beginning of each of those packs of intersections with a boolean mask (true where the beginning is).


pack_ids (torch.Tensor) – pack ids of shape \((\text{num_elems})\) This can be any integral (n-bit integer) type.


the boolean mask marking the boundaries.

Return type

first_hits (torch.BoolTensor)


>>> pack_ids = torch.IntTensor([1,1,1,1,2,2,2]).to('cuda:0')
>>> mark_pack_boundaries(pack_ids)
tensor([ True, False, False, False,  True, False, False], device='cuda:0')
kaolin.render.spc.sum_reduce(feats, boundaries)

Sum the features of packs.

  • feats (torch.FloatTensor) – features of shape \((\text{num_rays}, \text{num_feats})\).

  • boundaries (torch.BoolTensor) – bools to mark pack boundaries of shape \((\text{num_rays})\). Given some index array marking the pack IDs, the boundaries can be calculated with mark_pack_boundaries().


summed features of shape \((\text{num_packs}, \text{num_feats})\).

Return type


kaolin.render.spc.unbatched_raytrace(octree, point_hierarchy, pyramid, exsum, origin, direction, level, return_depth=True, with_exit=False)

Apply ray tracing over an unbatched SPC structure.

The SPC model will be always normalized between -1 and 1 for each axis.

  • octree (torch.ByteTensor) – the octree structure, of shape \((\text{num_bytes})\).

  • point_hierarchy (torch.ShortTensor) – the point hierarchy associated to the octree, of shape \((\text{num_points}, 3)\).

  • pyramid (torch.IntTensor) – the pyramid associated to the octree, of shape \((2, \text{max_level} + 2)\).

  • exsum (torch.IntTensor) – the prefix sum associated to the octree. of shape \((\text{num_bytes} + \text{batch_size})\).

  • origin (torch.FloatTensor) – the origins of the rays, of shape \((\text{num_rays}, 3)\).

  • direction (torch.FloatTensor) – the directions of the rays, of shape \((\text{num_rays}, 3)\).

  • level (int) – level to use from the octree.

  • return_depth (bool) – return the depth of each voxel intersection. (Default: True)

  • with_exit (bool) – return also the exit intersection depth. (Default: False)


  • Ray index of intersections sorted by depth of shape \((\text{num_intersection})\)

  • Point hierarchy index of intersections sorted by depth of shape \((\text{num_intersection})\) These indices will be IntTensor`s, but they can be used for indexing with `torch.index_select.

  • If return_depth is true: Float tensor of shape \((\text{num_intersection}), 1\) of entry depths to each AABB intersection. When with_exit is set, returns shape \((\text{num_intersection}), 2\) of entry and exit depths.

Return type

(torch.IntTensor, torch.IntTensor, (optional) torch.FloatTensor)